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Marketing 101 states you must reach out and touch your current, past and potential clients on a regular basis with relevant, useful information. There is no better method than collecting your own list and mailing to them regularly. EhrenWerks can assist you with fee-paid and open source solutions for this crucial marketing activity.

Open Source Newsletter Signup/Bulk Email Application

Typical Project Includes:

  • Set up and configure open source application
  • Import email addresses from contact lists (example: Outlook and/or contact management export, excel spreadsheet) provided by the client
  • Create email template, install in the bulk email application to brand emails sent.
  • Retrofit existing website to include links to sign up page

ConstantContact/MailChimp Setup

Typical Project Includes:

  • Set up and configuration of Constant Contact Account
  • Import email addresses from contact lists (example: Outlook and/or contact management export, excel spreadsheet) provided by the client
  • Create email template using ConstantContact application
  • Retrofit existing website to include links to sign up page

Customized Email Marketing Program

Customized programs to fit your specifications
By bid and proposal. Please contact us.

Typical Project Includes:

  • Design Session
  • Project Specification Document
  • Programming
  • Testing
  • Deployment
