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If you already have a site and need to take it to the next level: add more functionality, make it work for you, bring more visitors and take advantage of them when they get there, EhrenWerks Media can add on a variety of open source, fee-based and/or custom applications and solutions to your existing web presence.

Content Management Website Upgrade

WordPress or CMS Made Simple Content Management

Typical Project Includes:

  • Design Session
  • Project Specification and Site Map
  • Installation and configuration of WordPress Application
  • Conversion of existing site design to Responsive CMS Template
  • Required pages and/or site sections
  • Population of client supplied content (website copy and images)

Web Video or Presentation

Typical Project Includes:

  • Design Session
  • Project Specification and Story Board
  • Key frame screens based on the design session and story board
  • Up to three revisions on key frames
  • Beta release
  • Up to three revisions on beta release


Add a blog to your existing website as an additional way to drive site traffic and solidify your brand and position.


  • Installation and configuration of WordPress blog application
  • Installation and modification of WordPress or third party responsive website template

eCommerce Shopping Basket

Typical Project Includes:

  • Web server installation and configuration of Shopping Cart Application
  • Installation and modification of website template
  • Installation and modification of Secure Certificate (SSL)
  • Online payment portal configuration
  • Required pages and/or site sections
  • Installation of required products with client supplied content: product images and descriptions

Events Calendar

Let your site visitors know what’s coming up. Install a calendar mechanism you can administer.

Slide Show Gallery

A great way to organize and display images and videos, create flash slideshows and really impress your site visitors.


  • Design Session
  • Configuration and installation of Slide Show Mechanism
  • Required albums
  • Required images
  • Image resizing and optimization

Software, Application, Website Maintenance Training

Need a leg up on how to make all this work? A couple helpful tips and tricks, one-on-one tutorials or a well-organized training program may be just what you need!

Custom Blog Template

Need a customized Blog template? Typical Project Includes:

  • Design Session
  • Home/Sub Page design
  • Up to two revisions on designs
  • Blog template
  • Up to two revisions on templates
  • Installation of Blog Template in Blog application

Custom Responsive CMS Template

Need a customized responsive CMS template? Typical Project Includes:

  • Design Session
  • Page design
  • Revisions on designs
  • CMS responsive template
  • Revisions on templates
  • Installation of responsive CMS Template in CMS application

Copywriting Services

Need some help with your content? Do you have “writer’s block?” Optimizing your content for search engines? Need to blog and update your social media? Spending some quality time with a copywriter will save you time and money in the long run.

Stock Photos, Images, Illustrations

We like iStockPhoto! Just make sure you’re not using the same image everyone else is using.

Additional Design, Website Template, Content Revisions

Need extra time or revisions to get it just right on your current web development project? We’ll provide you a discounted rate in order to do so.

Additional Home/Sub Page Designs

Would you like to try another fresh design in your web development project? Includes:

  • Design Session
  • Home/Sub Page designs
  • Key frame screens based on the design session and story board
  • Up to three revisions on designs

Additional Products for Shopping Carts


  • Installation of client supplied content: product images and descriptions
  • Resizing and optimization of product images

Additional WordPress/Drupal/Joomla Third Party Modules

Would you like to enhance your WordPress website? We can install and configure additional modules for you.
By bid and proposal. Please contact us.

Shopping Cart Customization/Programming

Need to tweak an existing shopping basket to fit your needs? We’ll go under the hood and really soop it up!

Product Database Import

Do you have a spread sheet or database of product you want in your webstore? We can import these lists, saving us both time and money!
By bid and proposal. Please contact us.
