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Building a brand. Developing a product. Improving a reputation. Selling your wares. EhrenWerks Media is a complete marketing and advertising agency that can help plan, launch or take your business to the next level.

Business Branding: Logo, Business Cards, Word Template

Typical Project Includes:

  • Design Session
  • Logo designs based on the design session
  • Revisions on designs
  • Two card designs based on the design session
  • Revisions on designs
  • Word template designs based on the design session
  • Revisions on designs
  • 1000 full color business cards

Logo Design

Typical Project Includes:

  • Design Session
  • Two logo designs based on the design session
  • Up to three revisions on designs

Reputation Monitoring

Typical Project Includes:

  • Monitoring Social Networks, Blogs and Google Alerts
  • Reporting and recommendation

Usability Consulting

Typical Project Includes:

  • Existing website usability review
  • Reporting and recommendation

Marketing and Advertising Strategy and Planning Consultation

Strategic Consultation is the most important service we offer. Using EhrenWerks media as your partner provides assurance your goals come to fruition. This is an ongoing relationship providing you ideas and guidance, a sounding board for your ideas, a means to define goals and tasks to achieve your goals, and a plan to put things into action. With our strategic consultation service, you can plan on the following:

  • Dedicated senior management
  • Monthly metrics and reporting
  • Quarterly progress and recommendation reports
  • A negotiated amount of time per month for consultation
  • Customized programs to fit your specifications.

EhrenWerks Media is a complete Marketing and Advertising agency.
By bid and proposal. Please contact us.
