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Need things done yesterday? Priority for your priorities? Project management and a team of experts to take the task of keeping your online marketing efforts fresh, vital and up-to-date? Let EhrenWerks Media take all this off your plate and help you stay on top.

Priority Level Service Contract

Need things done yesterday? Priority for your priorities? Project management and a team of experts to take the task of keeping your online marketing efforts fresh, vital and up-to-date? Let EhrenWerks Media take all this off your plate and help you stay on top. You get all this, a negotiated bank of hours with which to work, a “no surprises” monthly fee and the assurance that EhrenWerks media will get it the work done.

Marketing and Advertising Strategy and Planning Consultation

Strategic Consultation is the most important service we offer. Using EhrenWerks media as your partner provides assurance your goals come to fruition. This is an ongoing relationship providing you ideas and guidance, a sounding board for your ideas, a means to define goals and tasks to achieve your goals, and a plan to put things into action. With our strategic consultation service, you can plan on the following:

  • Dedicated senior management
  • Monthly metrics and reporting
  • Quarterly progress and recommendation reports
  • A negotiated amount of time per month for consultation
  • Customized programs to fit your specifications.

EhrenWerks Media is a complete Marketing and Advertising agency.
By bid and proposal. Please contact us.
