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Our Goal:
Help organizations
use the right technology
and a message with impact
to advance their mission

Hello. I’m Kurt Eherenman, founder of EhrenWerks Media. I started the company in 1993 with a simple vision: to help organizations use the right technology to advance their mission. The process was a personal one, and remains so today. I knew that to help my clients succeed, I’d have to understand not just their goals, but also their competition, internal resources and capabilities, market factors, budget and more. Open communications and one-on-one collaboration are at the heart EhrenWerks Media’s success, and I’m proud of that. But I’m even prouder of the successes we’ve achieved for our clients.

Leading Providers
EhrenWerks Media’s first clients were in the data storage industry, but soon grew to encompass a wide range of private, public and non-profit organizations. Word of mouth spread, and today we’ve designed over two hundred sites for domestic and international clients. EhrenWerks Media continues to be one of the leading Internet design, programming, and marketing solutions providers in the Rocky Mountain Region.

Proud Geeks
Call us geeks if you want, but our staff prides itself on staying at the crest of the technological wave, utilizing the latest in high-tech applications to produce the finest Internet web products. This commitment to quality and creativity has resulted in unprecedented growth for the firm and measurable improvements in client revenue, ease of operations and brand perception.

You’re Unique. So Are We.
We understand that all of our clients come to us with their own needs, unique to their company and their industry. That’s why we don’t offer cookie-cutter, web-in-a-box solutions. Sure, we’ll leverage free, open source technology if it’s right for your solution. Or even give your existing site a much-needed facelift. But we won’t do anything until we understand every detail of the project, your needs and how our technical and creative expertise can meet your objectives.

That’s EhrenWerks. Let’s Work Together.
I’m still running the show at EhrenWerks Media. I demand that my team provides engaged, enthusiastic, and creative services to our clients. Our passion for technology is matched only by our desire to help out clients realize their goals. We achieve this through open, earnest and on-going communication with you from our first meeting to the launch of your new site, application or marketing program. That way we’re always on track to deliver the goods. On time, within budget. It’s how we roll.

Please give me a call on my direct line at 303-664-4767 or email: [email protected] if you have any questions about our services, process or pricing. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards,

Kurt Stephen Eherenman

CEO, President and Principal Designer
Ehrenwerks LLC
