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From the onset, EhrenWerks has been assisting clients with their ecommerce initiatives. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing orders show up from an online web store. We have considerable experience in a wide variety of fee-based and open source cart mechanisms. Most importantly, we also ensure things like security and PCI compliance are part of your package.

Web Site with Shopping Cart

Typical Project Includes:

  • Design Session
  • Project Specification and Site Map
  • Home page/Sub Page designs based on the design session
  • Revisions on designs
  • Responsive website templates
  • Revisions on responsive templates
  • Web server installation and configuration of Shopping Cart Application
  • Required pages and/or site sections
  • Installation of required products with client supplied content: product images and descriptions
  • Population of client supplied content (website copy and images)
  • Initial Search Engine Optimization research
  • Search Engine Optimization website implementation
  • Revisions on content

Custom eCommerce Solution

Web-based applications using PHP, ColdFusion, ASP.net and a variety of other current technologies and MSSQL or MySQL databases
By bid and proposal. Please contact us.


  • Design Session
  • Project Specification Document
  • Programming
  • Testing
  • Deployment
