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Cast a net out into a huge pool of fish like Facebook and haul them back into your website boat. Do this without being overwhelmed with too many sites to maintain. EhrenWerks offers setup, custom, advertising and ongoing programs for all Social Networking sites.

SMM Setup Program

Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter Profile Setup

Typical Project Includes:

  • Initial consultation
  • Account setup (Required Social Networking Profiles)
  • Page customization
  • Population of client supplied content: profiles, events, articles, notes, media galleries
  • Retrofit existing website to include links to SMM profiles

SMM Maintenance Program

Typical Project Includes:

  • Social Network updates: population of client supplied content: profiles, events, articles, notes, media
  • Extending Friend and Fan requests
  • Messaging of client supplied content to Friend and Fan lists

Customized Social Media Marketing (SMM) Program

Customized programs to fit your specifications
By bid and proposal. Please contact us.

Typical Project Includes:

  • Design Session
  • Project Specification Document
  • Implementation
  • Testing
  • Deployment
