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Web Site Design and Development

Design is the cornerstone of a website. The design should support and enhance the message, not overwhelm it. Website design will present a compelling argument in an appealing way, and invite the site visitor to interact and come back. EhrenWerks website designs display a distinctive brand and leave a lasting impression on the site visitor. From introductory packages to custom development, EhrenWerks Media can assist you with any size project.
Click here to get started!

Content Management (CMS) Web Sites

Need to update your website on a moment’s notice? Can’t wait for someone else to make the changes? Drupal, WordPress, custom solutions and yes, good ol’ HTML editors like Adobe’s Dreamweaver and Contribute are all supported EhrenWerks solutions.
Check out the many options that are available.

eCommerce Shopping Basket Solutions

From the onset, EhrenWerks has been assisting clients with their ecommerce initiatives. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing orders show up from an online web store. We have considerable experience in a wide variety of fee-based and open source cart mechanisms. Most importantly, we also ensure things like security and PCI compliance are part of your package.
Click here to start selling online now!

Custom Web-based Application Development

One of the most exciting parts of our job is to hear the question from a client, “Can we do this?” Well, yes, we can. Sometimes you just can’t get what you want from Web-In-A-Box, so a custom programming solution is required to specifically match your requirements. EhrenWerk’s Team of programmers and designers can make your dream a reality.
Click for more!

Web Videos and Presentations

Nothing presents a compelling argument that a well produced, appropriate piece of video footage. Are you placing product review and demonstration videos in YouTube yet? Show your clients how good you are with video.
Click here to get things moving!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Programs

Search engine optimization, otherwise known as “will my site show up in the search engines?” starts at the onset of web site development. Populating the site with relevant content laced with key words and phrases and appropriate meta-tagging is a good way to start. EhrenWerks provides custom SEO, SEO setup and SEO tuning programs.
Click here and get found!

Pay Per Click Google Adwords Programs

Interested in a jump-start with web visibility? Make sure you get the best bang for your buck with EhrenWerks setup , tuning and custom programs for Google Adwords and other PPC opportunities.
Click here to start Jumping!

Email Marketing Programs

Marketing 101 states you must reach out and touch your current, past and potential clients on a regular basis with relevant, useful information. There is no better method than collecting your own list and mailing to them regularly. EhrenWerks can assist you with fee-paid and open source solutions for this crucial marketing activity.
Click here and bring more customers to your door!

Social Media Marketing (SMM) Programs

Cast a net out into a huge pool of fish like Facebook and haul them back into your website boat. Do this without being overwhelmed with too many sites to maintain. EhrenWerks offers setup, custom, advertising and ongoing programs for all Social Networking sites.
Click here to make more friends and fans!

Marketing, Advertising, Strategic Planning Programs

Building a brand. Developing a product. Improving a reputation. Selling your wares. EhrenWerks Media is a complete marketing and advertising agency that can help plan, launch or take your business to the next level.
Take a look at our individual plans or complete solutions.

Hosting Services

There are so many options for web site hosting available. Why us? EhrenWerks uses both co-located and leased dedicated servers with all the “peace of mind” features we need to sleep at night: nightly backups, SMS alerts, SQL injection and cross scripting protection… Clients that host with us usually have some pretty interesting things happening in their websites, so they get the freedom and flexibility working with us. What is the real reason to host with us? You get us on the phone when you call. Getting adequate tech support on the phone with Yahoo or GoDaddy can be a challenge…
Find out about EhrenWerks Hosting, Analytics and Internet Security

Web Site Add On Enhancements

If you already have a site and need to take it to the next level: add more functionality, make it work for you, bring more visitors and take advantage of them when they get there, EhrenWerks Media can add on a variety of open source, fee-based and/or custom applications and solutions to your existing web presence.
Here’s just a few of the things we offer. Remember, the sky is the limit!

Maintenance Programs

Need things done yesterday? Priority for your priorities? Project management and a team of experts to take the task of keeping your online marketing efforts fresh, vital and up-to-date? Let EhrenWerks Media take all this off your plate and help you stay on top.
Click here to get things done!

Solutions for Business Challenges

I have a website, but I want more…
I need a website, but where do I start?
I need more than just a website!

Within this section of the website are a list of concepts, ideas and questions paired with a variety of solutions EhrenWerks Media offers. There’s lots to think about here. Rather than being overwhelmed, however, contact us and we will help you conceptualize, organize, plan and execute your way to reach your business goals.
Click here to answer some questions, or perhaps ask a few!

Terms and Conditions

What’s it like to work with us? What are you getting into? The following is language from a typical contract with EhrenWerks. Straightforward and easy to understand. We want everyone to have a smile at the end of the project.
